How To Use Audio Recordings Effectively For Workplace Interviews

How To Use Audio Recordings Effectively For Workplace Interviews

One of the less pleasant matters you may need to deal with if you own or run a business is a complaint about inappropriate behaviour or conduct, and should the matter be deemed extremely serious, you may need to consult with your commercial lawyers. One element of their advice will be that you conduct a workplace investigation including interviewing the person making the claim, the person against whom the claim has been made, and any relevant witnesses.

In the past these kinds of interviews would have included someone taking copious notes, and whilst notetaking is still recommended, modern technology now allows workplace interviews to be recorded on audio equipment. Using audio equipment to record workplace interviews has several advantages over traditional written notetaking. These advantages include:

Seriousness Of The Matter Is Clear To All Interviewees: The fact that an employee knows that what they say when being interviewed is being recorded word for word tells them that this matter is being taken seriously by their employers. Perhaps the fact that police interviews are recorded drives home for them that any statements they make can be replayed and assessed in full.

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